Tuesday, 20 December 2011

It begins.

So apparently the blog is back in motion (Or so Kate insists on it).

I've already posted a remaking of the Pokemon opening, so here is yet another opening of a childhood favourite...

As we are on Christmas vacation (and older than 12), we no longer get recess... so let us enjoy it through this clip.

- Yamini

Monday, 19 December 2011

I'm still writing papers...

First: Thanks for the shocking amount of attention that this blog has received. I was pleasantly surprised to see the spike in readers after the last post. Clearly you all ran out of fun, interesting, cool, or possibly educational things to do if you took the time to read this blog. I am assuming this may have more to do with exams, but I will probably continue to drop videos on here regardless.

Second: Although I am home for the holidays, I still need to procrastinate. After a difficult time separating myself from A&E marathons, I have finally sat down to complete my final assignments. And by final assignments, of course I mean reviewing my youtube account favourites. That is why tonight, I will be drinking coffee. But not the god-awful stuff that is being served to these poor, honest gentlemen.


Tuesday, 13 December 2011

We are in print!!!

I know you missed us. We got back into the habit of intense facebook wall-ing. But I promise to revive this thing so (at the very least) we can have an archive of things that we love.

Additionally, we moved backwards in time and have our second article in print. Can you guess what it's about? (My money is on puppies.)

Here it is!


Monday, 15 August 2011

now, a musical interlude.

Here is a video of Ron Livingston, of Office Space and Sex and the City fame, perfectly imitating one of Youtube's most historic videos.

If you watch this side by side with the original, you can see his perfection down to the original messiah of cat video's expressions.

The only thing is, I keep waiting for him to afterwards destroy the piano with a bat while Still by the Geto Boys plays in the background.

Honestly, I'm obsessed with this and have been watching this a lot. Thank you to my friend Alison for this.

- Y

Friday, 12 August 2011

I can drive!

I am about 5 years late, but today I finally got my drivers license. I am feeling a lot like this guy.

Now, I'm going to go enjoy the day, also like this kid.

Sunday, 7 August 2011

Megan, I hope you're watching.

Sometimes, the broken-hearted can reveal to us the most beautiful soul. See below. (Seriously, watch it til the end.)

.....but sometimes things can change.

Ladies, he is still single.

You will hate this video

But you are home, hung over, with nothing to do on a Sunday so I know you will watch it anyways.

The dance sequence just makes me really happy.


Tuesday, 26 July 2011

Friday, 22 July 2011


The 'New Old Spice Guy' is Fabio and absolutely hilarious. If you haven't seen the ads already...you're welcome.

Look... he can do all the same exciting things as Mustafa did.

And the ladies love him too.

Plus it's hard to understand him, which makes him foreign, which makes him hot (Yamini knows a thing a two about that).


Thursday, 21 July 2011

apologies, especially for the mosquitoes.

Hello everyone,
So it has been a month since the last post, and I apologize for that. Kate certainly does too. We had a Ginge reunion, and despite massive plans to add to the blog, we did not have the time in between marathons of awful reality television.

But, the last Harry Potter movie is out. This is an important moment for all of us. This girl (and this song) expresses my feelings of everything to the extreme.

Enjoy and more updates to come,

Friday, 24 June 2011

Cats and Babies.

I wanted to get back to our roots and go through some things I found while trying to write my summer essays.

1- Boy catches his first fish. Named him Free. Super cute.

2- Maru loves boxes. If you have seen cats on youtube before, then you probably already know this.

And now, a combination of the two: lioness tries to eat a baby (that's cute right?).


Sunday, 19 June 2011


So that's what it takes to get your attention eh? Well I will keep that in mind.


Thursday, 16 June 2011

Nicolas Cage is probably the best.

Just kidding.

If you know me, then you know that I think Nicolas Cage sucks. But not just in a 'I won't see his movies' kinda way. I really dislike Nicolas Cage. I've been known to go on rants in public about how 'great' of an actor he is because he is able to be the EXACT same in every movie and yet properly enact ever role perfectly. Angel? No problem. Treasure Hunter? Got it. Flaming skeleton riding a motorcycle? Done.

So here is my favourite PSA ever, because it has the most important message I have ever encountered:

Added bonus: Here is Nick showing his amazing ability to transform with every role he takes on.

And if that isn't enough of the Cage man for you, then here he is in his greatest film moment of all time: hitting a woman while wearing a bear suit.

Message to the world from Nick Cage: You're welcome.


Tuesday, 14 June 2011

Saturday, 11 June 2011

possibly the lamest thing I will ever post.

Just like this guy, I also recently saw X-Men First Class, and perhaps it was the geek in me that enjoyed this Lady Gaga parody.

- Y

PS Michael Fassbender=new obsession

Musical Musings

A friend posted this a while back and I really liked it. 

Hope you do too,

Thursday, 9 June 2011

I'm still alive!

I did not die in the wilderness like we all expected I would. I am now out of the wilderness, but not out of BC yet. So this will be brief. My uncle/godfather showed me this video yesterday on 'the youtube' and I wanted to share it with everyone because it was actually pretty good.


Monday, 23 May 2011

summer puggin'

Summer is a'comin, and I hope my beach visits are like this one.

- Y

Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Sunday, 15 May 2011

Interesting concept...

My friend introduced me to this series a while ago, where every day there is a video of different men of different ages, origins, etc detailing their very different ideas about love and sex. It's super fascinating, but my favourite, of course, is of this young boy already trying his best to be a gentleman:

The Man's Guide To Love #380 from themansguidetolove on Vimeo.

The website has a huge archive of even more of these videos here at The Man's Guide to Love. Enjoy.

- Y

Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Banana = success

Lady Gaga is back, and with her, so is the kid who likes singing Lady Gaga hits into a banana. You may remember him from Bad Romance, but with a new CD, comes new dance moves.

- Y

Friday, 6 May 2011

Wilderness Update

Wilderness is going okay. People talked about Gary Oak Trees at
great length. I made a pokemon joke. Room went silent. No one
understood. Socially Awkward Penguin to the max (silence also followed that).

- K

Wednesday, 4 May 2011

YAM'S JAMS #02: Bacon Wonders

It's time for another sesh with Yam's Jams. Notice how I use a lot of abbreviations when conducting this segment?

This is a video recently shown to me, but the obsession has grown and grown to the point where I pretty much watch it once a day. If I could, I would post the whole episode, but this segment is just a pure showing of the reasons why reality television should be eligible for the Emmys and Golden Globes.

(AND NOT JUST THE AMAZING RACE, WINNING LIKE EVERY YEAR SINCE FOREVER. What is that?! I preach Tyra, and I'm sure they're just not ready to overstep the traditional boundaries of what constitutes "correct good television". Uplifting and inspiring stories? No way. Give me the trashy pregnant teenagers spending their Mom's credit cards instead of taking care of their kids. Trashy reality TV is the plus-size model of the TV world.)

This video presents the core of our society. Classic: the cultural clash between the treadmill and McDonalds. It certainly rings close to home.

Finally, and most importantly: how can a 7-year-old sound so much like an 50-year-old man?

- Y

PS: So I'm pretty sure the Ginge part of this blog's twosome is now AWOL in the wilderness of Canada. That's right: there are places in the world without internet or computer. I don't really know if someone can really exist without an internet presence... but I guess I'd just like to hope that she returns as she promised. Meanwhile, I hope you enjoy my posts without K's presence.

Saturday, 30 April 2011

cuz i'm the sax man.

What? You don't love George Michael????

New D'art

I am in BC and instead of enjoying this glorious day, I am trapped inside finishing an essay. Inevitably, I got onto the youtube and my brother showed me this.

Here is his tumblr account. Apparently he is popular there sometimes too.


Friday, 29 April 2011

Good for your soul.

Goodbye! See you in a month-ish.



Nothing says 'refined taste' like refined sugars!

I'm going to try to squeeze another one or so in before I leave/while I write my paper.


Wednesday, 27 April 2011

time for "das cute".

Could there be any better advertisement for Cheerios and milk? I want some right now.

- Y
PS In reference to the title... it's simply what you say when you are overwhelmed by the cute.

Tuesday, 26 April 2011


I thought it was a hand puppet, but really it was just adorable.



....tricked you.

T-4 days until I will not have a computer.


Monday, 25 April 2011

Easter Monday is a time for dance.

Since it is Easter Monday, I thought I would use this chance to share with you all a true opportunity to connect with the spiritual side of yourselves.


Thank you to Maggie O'Neil for this beauty.

- Y

Sunday, 24 April 2011

YAM'S JAMS #01: Fridge Self-Questioning

Here I will begin the first of a very regular segment I will be doing called Yam's Jams. Basically, it's old favourites that you probably know, but hey, there is nothing better than good ol' Youtube nostalgia, but also it will describe the deep feelings evoked in me from a repeated viewing experience.

This is an old favourite of mine that revisits me in my obsession quite often. This video does it for me in raising the following feelings with me:

1) Self-identity issues. Is my love for a drink really signifying of what kind of girl I am?
2) My favourite drink is regular Coca Cola. What does this mean in terms of me? Why does Chi City only have Cherry Coke? Am I not a girl Chi could be interested in?
3) Self esteem issues. Chi City obviously doesn't dig me.
4) Breathing issues. Because I'm laughing so hard at this video. (This one isn't a joke. This is the actual reaction.)

Love you all,

- Y

Saturday, 23 April 2011

Thursday, 21 April 2011

Jumping into action!

I found this amazing channel with the incredibly awkward guy who didn't know what an antique really was/really liked giant Cheese-its. He had ~340 videos filled with useful information and I was pretty excited about it. Sadly, over the past 12 hours he got his account deleted for infringement. So instead, please enjoy this baby waking up.


Wednesday, 20 April 2011

youtube relatability.

This is a Youtube series I have been following for a while, and I actually think every single one of these cartoons is just one of those things that makes the Internet an amazing place.

Tales of Mere Existence outline simple stories narrated by Levni Yilmaz, and they've gained recognition even by having one of its cartoons on Showtime.

I love its live drawing style, and the stories just give those "Oh that's happened to me" kind of moments.
This one that was posted most recently definitely hit close to home. Returning to Toronto soon forces to prepare for the amazing/terrifying TTC encounters I will have to face.


Other suggestions: How I Found Out About Girls, Mom and Dad, or, heck, the entire channel.

- Y

A daily dose of adorable

Although I am sure you are all nyan-cat-ing all the time now, you should take a second to appreciate how adorable this is. It'll warm your heart right up.


PS- I will be posting a lot now because in 10-ish days I will be without internet for a month and a half (SO sad, I know).

Monday, 18 April 2011

we now exist.

So. We've been thinking about doing this for a while, but unfortunately school and life has gotten in the way. Now that we're done... Youtube can be our real life.

In case you are new (AKA haven't been following our Facebook wall-to-wall), we'll tell you a little bit about ourselves.


This is essentially us.

Please regard this photo in reference to the content below.

Let's not let words ruin this beautiful moment. We will let Lexy and Stephanie do that for us...

We like Youtube. We like to try to find trends before they're trends (or at least find the cutest cat/puppy/baby/SLOW LORIS!!!/monkey/etc videos you've ever seen).

We love you.

- Yamini and Kate

P.S. Yamini discovered Rebecca Black. It's true.