Friday, 24 June 2011

Cats and Babies.

I wanted to get back to our roots and go through some things I found while trying to write my summer essays.

1- Boy catches his first fish. Named him Free. Super cute.

2- Maru loves boxes. If you have seen cats on youtube before, then you probably already know this.

And now, a combination of the two: lioness tries to eat a baby (that's cute right?).


Sunday, 19 June 2011


So that's what it takes to get your attention eh? Well I will keep that in mind.


Thursday, 16 June 2011

Nicolas Cage is probably the best.

Just kidding.

If you know me, then you know that I think Nicolas Cage sucks. But not just in a 'I won't see his movies' kinda way. I really dislike Nicolas Cage. I've been known to go on rants in public about how 'great' of an actor he is because he is able to be the EXACT same in every movie and yet properly enact ever role perfectly. Angel? No problem. Treasure Hunter? Got it. Flaming skeleton riding a motorcycle? Done.

So here is my favourite PSA ever, because it has the most important message I have ever encountered:

Added bonus: Here is Nick showing his amazing ability to transform with every role he takes on.

And if that isn't enough of the Cage man for you, then here he is in his greatest film moment of all time: hitting a woman while wearing a bear suit.

Message to the world from Nick Cage: You're welcome.


Tuesday, 14 June 2011

Saturday, 11 June 2011

possibly the lamest thing I will ever post.

Just like this guy, I also recently saw X-Men First Class, and perhaps it was the geek in me that enjoyed this Lady Gaga parody.

- Y

PS Michael Fassbender=new obsession

Musical Musings

A friend posted this a while back and I really liked it. 

Hope you do too,

Thursday, 9 June 2011

I'm still alive!

I did not die in the wilderness like we all expected I would. I am now out of the wilderness, but not out of BC yet. So this will be brief. My uncle/godfather showed me this video yesterday on 'the youtube' and I wanted to share it with everyone because it was actually pretty good.
